Pick Ups and Drop Offs (beginning January 5th, 2019)

Happy New Year Everyone!

Please see below important (NEW!) info about our ever crammed parking lot.  This is from the school administrators:

 To ensure the safety of our students and community members, there will be changes to our pick up and drop off routines beginning Monday, January 7th, 2019.  The following changes will take place at that point.
Changes to morning routines:
1. Areas that have resulted in several close calls are when parents are pulling in and out of parking spots in the morning.  That movement has resulted in many incidents where parents are not seeing students getting out of adjacent vehicles and have almost hit them.  Students also have to cross our busy entryway resulting in further risk.  To address this, vehicles will not be able to pull into or leave these parking spaces after 8:30. Vehicles that have parked in these spaces before this time will not be able to leave our parking area until 8:50.  The kiss and ride and access to the parking lot will be closed at 8:50.  Alternatives are to walk to school or park on adjacent streets and walk or cross at the lights.  Please plan ahead to accommodate these changes.
2. We have also noted that our kiss and ride is exceptionally close to the sidewalk.  Parents are also parking and leaving their vehicles in the fire zone despite multiple warnings.  Both add risk to our students.  To address this, we will be setting out pylons to mark out a single lane for cars away from the sidewalk.  We will have additional staff on site to help students out of their cars and over to the sidewalk.  Students must be fully dressed and ready to go as they will get out and the car will then move on, parents will not get out of the cars to assist.  If you need to get out and walk your students to their door you will need to park on a side street and walk them from there.  Students must be dropped off in the correct zone, primary near the kindergarten Pen and junior/intermediate near the yard.  See the map for details.
Changes to afternoon routines:
1. To give students the needed time to get to parked cars before movement starts, the exit will remain closed until 3:20 at which point it will be opened and cars will be allowed to leave.
2. Our kiss and ride will once again be limited to one lane away from the sidewalk .  Cars will be able to enter this lane at night, but the exit will not be opened until 3:20.  Please plan your day accordingly.  Once again, parents can not get out of their cars.  Students will come to them to get into the vehicle and then you will move on.


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