Our Next Math Unit

Our next unit in Math will be on Transformations (such as rotations, reflections, translations, etc).  The video link below may be helpful to go over with your child before Monday, if you have some time this weekend.  (Free time? What's THAT?!) ;)
Honestly, it's not the most exciting thing to watch (for 9 minutes), but it nicely covers what we will learn about next week.


Also, if anyone is looking to get rid of any old/broken: batteries, phones, televisions, receivers, monitors etc, a teacher at the school is taking in these items for a friend of hers that is collecting them to help fund some treatment that she is receiving out of Canada.  A list of accepted items is posted below.  Thank you in advance!  *(This is NOT a school fundraiser, I am only mentioning this because I feel like someone probably has a few of these items kicking around that they'd like to get rid of ... so send 'em in on Monday (last day) with your child. 


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