
Showing posts from November, 2018

Anti-Bullying Week

For the next two weeks we are talking about Bullying, the difference between bullying and conflict, and what you can do to stop bullying. Students were asked to find an age-appropriate video and add it below as a comment.  I will choose some to share with the class over the course of the next two weeks.

November News

We are learning about Order of Operations, specifically using B.E.D.M.A.S. to answer math equations that contain  multiple functions within one question.  If you are a little rusty, here is a video to explain what we went over (again) in class today. Students are coming home with a math sheet (marked).  Please AYC (ask your child) to see their work, and maybe have them show you the way to do it (or practice if they need to). *SEVERAL students worked WITH me to complete the sheet, so perhaps get them to show you a question on their own. If students did not show their work, it was hard to correct them on their mistakes.  Please encourage them to show or explain how they arrived at the right OR wrong answer. Happy Learning! :)